Sunday, August 29, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday- 1,2,3

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

This is our first time doing Muffin Tin Monday. This weeks theme was numbers. Here is our tin.

1 dollop of yogurt.  2 pieces of waffle.  3 pieces of banana. 4 pieces of waffle. 5. pieces of banana. and 6 raisins. Not a wide variety, I know. But the boys loved it.
You may notice that apparently I can't count either becasue there are only 2 pieces of banana when there should be 3. Ugh. In my defense it was 7am and I had two hungry children that didn't understand what I was doing and why they couldn't just eat the waffle I just made them.
I got these star silicone pans on Clearance at Walmart last year. It came 2 to a pack for like $3. They are a PAIN to clean!

Blue Eyes was digging the raisins (with supervision).
Mr. Destructo went right for the yogurt.
I'll be linking these up to Muffin Tin Mom. On a side note, I found my 101+ cookie cutters so meals will be way cooler next week!


  1. the star shaped tin IS a pain to clean! we have that one too and I hate cleaning it, but the kids love to eat out of it. AND I got mune on clearance too right afer 4th of july. :)

    so glad you joined in today. :)

  2. I have this tin too. It is hard for JDaniel to get food out of.

  3. Good morning and welcome to MTM :) Looks like a yummy breakfast :)

  4. Welcome to MTM!!! Yummy tin (and don't worry I had a counting problem too for So glad to have you join us, your kiddos look like they are loving it :)

  5. Hahaha, I love those shaped muffin 'tins' and wondered if they were worth the hassell... glad you cleared it up for me!
    Healthy breakfast and happy little boys, what a great start to your day!

  6. Hi, this was only my second week linking up with Muffin Tin Monday. Nice to meet you. Great price you paid for the tins, I struggled to find something at a decent price. I finally found the round ones at a yard sale for 50 cents each.
    I think you did a great job getting the meal ready so early in the morning. I know I couldn't. Breakfast is usually cereal around here.
    I can believe it would be ridiculously hard to keep them clean. Glad I never got any. I will stick with my circles.

  7. Looks yummy! I think I'm craving yogurt and bananas now. :) Great tin!



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