Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fun with Food

Having a super picky toddler can make lunch and dinner a daunting task. Mr. Destructo would be very happy if I fed him peanut butter and jelly every day for lunch. That is not mommy's idea of a good lunch everyday. Time to get creative! My son's favorite breakfast is a NannerPus! Sounds weird doesn't it. Let me show you what a NannerPus is:
An octoupus banana. Very similar to an "OctoDog" (hot dog octopus)! Think hot dog with 8 legs, cut just like the banana, but a hot dog.

Mom Tried It posted about her "Jellyfish Dogs" this morning. They look really gross, but her kids loved them!
It's all about having fun! I got a coupon for hotdogs in the mail, hopefully they will be a good price at Harris Teeter triples this week and I can make some "OctoDogs" and "Jellyfish Dogs" this week!

Do you have anything fun you make with food? Leave me a comment and let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!!!!!!!!
    My nana use to make us pancakes and cut out eyes, put olives in there, and make an egg for the mouth.
    Love the banana !



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